Memorial Day Facts: {Did You Know?}

It’s important that everyone take time to reflect on the true reason for and meaning behind Memorial Day, as it’s much more than just a day off from the 9 to 5 grind. Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who lost their lives protecting the United States of America. We are the land of the free because of the brave, and it’s important to honor those who have fallen protecting our way of life. A few facts:

1) Memorial Day was originally referred to as Decoration Day after the Civil War.

2) About 30 people are buried at Arlington National Cemetery every single weekday.20160530204349_Arlington_National_Cemetery_graves

3) Many visitors place coins on the graves of soldiers they visit. A penny means you stopped by, a nickel that you trained with the deceased, a dime means that you served with the deceased, and a quarter means you saw his or her death.

4) In 1920, the National American Legion adopted red poppies as the official symbol of remembrance.20160530204827_remembrancepoppies

Thank a veteran or active duty member of the military not just today, but every day!


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